
HTTP Response Status Codes

_주야 2014. 6. 9. 11:27


HTTP Response Status Codes


 상태  코드  설명
 HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE  100  OK to continue with request
 HTTP_STATUS_SWITCH_PROTOCOLS  101  Server has switched protocols in upgrade header
 HTTP_STATUS_OK  200  Request complete
 HTTP_STATUS_CREATED  201  Object created, reason = new URI
 HTTP_STATUS_ACCEPTED  202  Async completion (TBS)
 HTTP_STATUS_PARTIAL  203  Partial completion
 HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT  204  No information to return
 HTTP_STATUS_RESET_CONTENT  205  Request complete, clear form.
 HTTP_STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT  206  Partial GET fulfilled.
 HTTP_STATUS_AMBIGUOUS  300  Server could not determine what to return.
 HTTP_STATUS_MOVED  301  Object permanently moved.
 HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT  302  Object temporarily moved.
 HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT_METHOD  303  Redirection with new access method.
 HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED  304  If-modified-since was not modified.
 HTTP_STATUS_USE_PROXY  305  Redirection to proxy, location header specifies proxy to use.
 HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT_KEEP_VERB  307  HTTP/1.1: keep same verb.
 HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST  400  Invalid syntax.
 HTTP_STATUS_DENIED  401  Access denied.
 HTTP_STATUS_PAYMENT_REQ  402  Payment required.
 HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN  403  Request forbidden.
 HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND  404  Object not found.
 HTTP_STATUS_BAD_METHOD  405  Method is not allowed.
 HTTP_STATUS_NONE_ACCEPTABLE  406  No response acceptable to client found.
 HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ  407  Proxy authentication required.
 HTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT  408  Server timed out waiting for request.
 HTTP_STATUS_CONFLICT  409  User should resubmit with more information.
 HTTP_STATUS_GONE  410  The resource is no longer available.
 HTTP_STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED  411  The server refused to accept request without a length.
 HTTP_STATUS_PRECOND_FAILED  412  Precondition given in request failed.
 HTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE  413  Request entity was too large.
 HTTP_STATUS_URI_TOO_LONG  414  Request URI too long.
 HTTP_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA  415  Unsupported media type.
 HTTP_STATUS_RETRY_WITH  449  Retry after doing the appropriate action.
 HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR  500  Internal server error.
 HTTP_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED  501  Required not supported.
 HTTP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY  502  Error response received from gateway.
 HTTP_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAIL  503  Temporarily overloaded.
 HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT  504  Timed out waiting for gateway.
 HTTP_STATUS_VERSION_NOT_SUP  505  HTTP version not supported.